Implementing Lantor CondenStop Advanced® is as easy as plug and play
Working with Lantor CondenStop Advanced® is simple! Naturally, before you add Lantor CondenStop Advanced® in your product portfolio, you have some questions. Read on and we will answer every question and reassure you towards Lantor CondenStop Advanced®.
Yes, we’re sure that it is. Lantor CondenStop Advanced® has been tested in all kinds of metal sheet roll forming machines. Also, when the dies are extremely hard and stiff, it will not damage the CondenStop in the complex shapes of your roof profile. Want to try it yourself? If you’re interested, you can get a free sample roll to put it to the test. We are more than happy to help you during this first production trail. For this, please get in contact with your distributor or your Lantor CondenStop-expert.
It will be delivered at your doorstep on a roll in any desired width, up to 1.5 meters wide.
That’s where the applicator comes in. This applicator is a non-electrical plug and play device that you implement in your production process. The applicator unrolls the Lantor CondenStop Advanced® and rewinds the release foil at the same time. The Lantor CondenStop Advanced® is then stuck upon your metal roofs, before you form them.
This is as easy as it sounds. The applicator needs to be installed between the de-coiler and the front of the mill. For this, you only need about 1,5 meters of space. In some situations there isn’t enough space available. Our technical team is happy to support you with several alternative solutions to make it happen.
Just try it yourself! Order your free sample roll to test Lantor CondenStop Advanced®, –Ultra Thin® and/or –Anti Noise® or contact one of our sales representatives in your area! With the free sample roll, you don’t need to add the applicator. You can just stick our Lantor CondenStop Advanced® to your steel, and test if you get the results you hoped for.
Outside our USP’s (that it saves time & money, and is really easy to install), the Lantor CondenStop Advanced®-team values partnership. Our 24/7 service level supports your sales team based on their needs, promotes work and training sessions in certain markets like Agriculture storage, Life Stock & Sheds, Industrial Buildings or Residential Buildings? We are 100% convinced that Lantor CondenStop Advanced® is designed to improve uninsulated metal roofs in all facets.

Fully certified worldwide
Lantor BV is a ISO 9001 certified manufacturer of A-brand materials. Lantor CondenStop Advanced® is well tested by the following institutes to guarantee his added value in different industries.

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Want to test Lantor Condenstop Advanced® on your metal roof panels without adapting your machinery?
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